Wordsmith International Editorial
"Wordsmith International Editorial: Where creativity knows no bounds, and inspiration knows no limits."

설립자: 앤 마리
WORDSMITH 국제 사설에 오신 것을 환영합니다
워드스미스 인터내셔널 사설 실제 상황에 초점을 맞추고 동기 부여에 중점을 둡니다. 다른 사람들에게 영감을 주는 것은 그들에게 희망과 용기를 줍니다. 포기는 선택사항이 아닙니다.
그녀의 책은 모든 사람이 반드시 읽어야 할 책이며 그녀의 인용문은 우리 모두에게 필요한 희망과 영감의 진정한 반영입니다.
저자는 세계 기록 보유자이자 올해의 소설가 상을 수상한 국제 우수상 수상자입니다. 이것은 정말로 그녀의 글을 통해 변화를 만들기 위한 그녀의 헌신과 영감을 말해줍니다.
그녀의 모든 책은 AMAZON에서 볼 수 있습니다.
오마티 앤 마리 한스라지
동기 부여 작가. 시인. 소설가. 저널리스트.
Imem Milliti
Angela Kosta

"Meet Imen Malti: a beacon of inspiration, a passionate educator, and a gifted wordsmith. As a dedicated teacher, Imen instills knowledge and ignites curiosity in the hearts of her students, nurturing young minds to reach their full potential. Beyond the classroom, she transforms into a captivating author and poet, weaving intricate tales and poignant verses that resonate with readers worldwide. With a unique blend of creativity and insight, Imen's words paint vivid landscapes of emotion, offering solace, enlightenment, and empowerment to all who encounter them. Join us as we journey through the literary world of Imen Malti, where every page is a testament to the power of imagination, compassion, and the written word."
"Introducing Angela Kosta: a visionary author and soulful poet whose words dance off the page and into the hearts of readers. With an enchanting blend of lyricism and depth, Angela's writing transcends boundaries, inviting readers on a journey of self-discovery and reflection. Her prose paints vivid portraits of the human experience, weaving together themes of love, loss, resilience, and hope. Whether through her evocative poetry or her compelling storytelling, Angela captivates audiences with her ability to evoke emotion and provoke thought. Join us as we delve into the enchanting world of Angela Kosta, where every word is a brushstroke on the canvas of life, and every verse is a melody of the soul."
Iftikhar Ahmed Bazmi
"Meet Iftikhar Ahmed Bazmi: a beacon of justice and a stalwart advocate for the rights of the marginalized. With a steadfast commitment to upholding the rule of law, Iftikhar navigates the complexities of the legal system with unwavering integrity and dedication. As a seasoned lawyer and advocate, he tirelessly champions the cause of those in need, fighting tirelessly to ensure that justice is served. With a keen intellect and a compassionate heart, Iftikhar brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to every case he takes on, earning the respect and admiration of colleagues and clients alike. Join us in celebrating the extraordinary work of Iftikhar Ahmed Bazmi, a true pillar of the legal profession."

Hassane Yarti
Hassane Yarti – Moroccan Writer in Spain
Hassane Yarti is a Moroccan writer based in Barcelona, Spain. A member of the Union of Arab Writers and the Arab Elite Union for Poetry and Literature, he is an influential figure in the literary community.
As president of the Al-Nibras Association for Culture and Arts, he promotes cultural initiatives and founded the renowned **Barcelona Literary Magazine**. His diverse works include short stories and poetry published internationally.
**Key Works:**
- **Short Stories:** "Vicious Circles," "Venus / Romulus and Remus," "Shunning & Separation" (all 2024).
- **Poetry:** "Poems Against Ugliness" (2024, Arabic), "Poems Against Atrocity" (2024, English).
With over 100 translated poems and works in progress like **"On the Griffen's Back"** and **"The Madness of Sanity,"** his writing has reached a global audience, translated into multiple languages including English, Spanish, and Korean.
Wordsmith International Editorial
Wordsmith International Editorial

Letting Go: The Last 10% That Will Change Your Life Forever

Unlocking the Secret to Great Conversations!

Unlock Inner Peace: Find Harmony & Happiness Within

10 Life Hacks That ACTUALLY WORK

설립자 : 앤 마리
당신의 삶을 최대한 활용하십시오
우리는 모두 "당신의 삶을 최대한 활용하십시오"라는 말을 듣습니다. 나는 바로 그것을 하기 위해 여기에 있다. WORDSMITH INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL은 나의 열정을 투사하는 그릇 역할을 하며, 이 미친 세상에서 무엇이 나에게 영감을 주는지 충성스러운 독자들에게 단서를 제공합니다. 그러니 편히 앉아서 긴장을 풀고 계속 읽으십시오.