Nature has taught us a lot. Knowingly and unknowingly it has taught us the greatest lessons of time that we could not have learnt in all our years of life.
We all have realized the best time in life was before this pandemic. Ad this I am sure you would agree is true.
Nature has also taught us death is not in our hands but life is. Death is sure life is uncertain. We never know when or how but it is sure to come one day. All that we love and care for so much we will have to leave and go without notice and without anything.
Friends, this world is a gift of nature. The sooner you wake up the the blunt reality the better you can start to live your life fully. Before it is taken away from you. Live each day as if its your last live it with love care and peace.
Our body and our every breath are priceless. Look around your and you can see this for yourself, or perhaps you have had such experience where you realise how important every breath you take was so important to live. It is a big difference from life and death. One breath can make such difference. Lack of one breath can mean death and one breath more can mean staying alive.
We can form a living bond with nature and thank nature for blessings every breath. Together we can all make a difference if each of us do our part.
To live life fully take care of yourself & the people around you by adapting good nature. Better practices and remember we come with nothing and we leave with nothing. Live a happy peaceful life and create happy memories to give your love ones strength after you have departed from this land.