Title: Ode to the Soul's Symphony
In the heart's chamber, where dreams softly dwell,
Lies the melody of stories we tell.
Worlds spun in verse, where emotions unfurl,
As poetry dances, a lyrical swirl.
With words as brushes, we paint the unseen,
Capturing moments, both joyous and keen.
In sonnets and ballads, our truths we impart,
Binding our souls with the beat of the heart.
On World Poetry Day, let us raise our voices,
In praise of the poets, who make our hearts rejoice.
For they are the bards, who light up the night,
Guiding us through the darkness with words that ignite.
So let us embrace this poetic array,
In every stanza, find solace and sway.
For in the symphony of the soul's sweet song,
We find the essence of where we belong.
Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj
Copyright 2024