I dreamt of tomorrow
As I let go of yesterday
But today defeats me
My blood ran cold
As it becomes more
Scary every where
No matter where you are
No mater your age
Or where you are from
You feel chased
By what you cannot see
But feel the consequences
Taking all precaution
Not to be a statistic
But still we never know
Wash your hands sanitize
Practice social distancing
Wear your mask
Yet stil we find ourself
Trapped in the pandemic
Of this current time
If it haven't caught you yet
We never know how when who
But surly it caught someone we know
Each day the numbers rise
As if we are playing the numbers game
Of life and death
Whose next whose next
As we try to shy away
Yet so worrisome
Depression is taking over
As the world pandemic
Is like never befor
One world everywhere
One land planet earth
One pandemic the covid 19
Now crippled the world
Economies crash
World of unemployment
It's like a war of survival
But we can't see the killer
Who will win this battle
A fight that is felt
Not seen nor heard
It sneeks up on you
It attacks your inside
Destroys you at its worst
Some survive many don't
Now trapped in our own homes
We have lost our freedom
To roam the streets as we used to
Many are still not aware
Many take this for granted
How much more must we bare
How much more life
Must we lose
To wake up the the reality
Mankind is being destroyed
Right befor our eyes
We still don't understand
This pandemic covid 19
The war between
Life and the unknown
Covid 19 as they call it
Is making head way
We must protect ourself
We must take no chances
Life is to precious
We must win this battle
Together we can
We must each do our part
Don't be a statistic
Covid 19 the pandemic
Is still very strong
Now we're in 2021
When will this end
Only time will tell
For those who survive
Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj
Copyright 2021